Publishing reports to CIVIS

This page explains how to publish the reports made on Tableau Desktop into CIVIS server.

Step 1. Setting up CIVIS VPN

-send an email with the request to set up CIVIS VPN to:

-CIVIS support supplies a permission from their side and sends you a detailed, step-by-step instruction on how to install CIVIS VPN

Step 2. Signing in to Tableau Server

-receive a confirmation from your line manager that you are allowed to publish content to Tableau Server

-forward the confirmation to CIVIS support ( and they will send you a password for logging into the server. Save your username and password in a secure environment because you will need to use it every time you sign in

Step 3. Publishing reports

1. Connect to your CIVIS VPN on the Tunnelblick application

2. Connect to a Tableau Server :

-from your Tableau Desktop go into Server -> Sign In... -> Enter into a "Server" field -> Click on "Connect"

3. Publish your report by navigating from Tableau Desktop to Server -> Publish Workbook

4. In the Publish Workbook dialog box, select the project, enter a name for the workbook, and add search tags.

-for Permissions, accept the default project settings.

-for Data Sources, select Edit if you want to change whether the data is embedded in the workbook or published separately, or change how people authenticate with data sources.

5. Click Publish.

Last updated