Global EOY Mobilisation Report

Global EOY (end-of-year) mobilisation report

What is Global End-Of-Year Mobilisation Report?

Global end-of-year mobilisation report is an overview of Greenpeace's mobilisation and engagement performance throughout the years (2015-2019).

The report is based on self-reported engagement data from every NRO which, so far, has been collected via EOY Engagement & Mobilisation survey.

Creation of EOY Mobilisation Report

Data source & preparation

  1. The data from EOY Engagement & Mobilisation Survey is entered and collected on this Google Spreadsheet document. Every tab represents a different year, and there is legend with the explanation of metrics used in a survey.

  2. The data from above mentioned Google Spreadsheet document is downloaded at the end of the year, and used as a static data file (.csv) for importing into Tableau.

  3. Since every tab in a document represents data from a different year, a new column "Year" has been added to tabs, in order to conduct a tab join for a single source of data from multiple years.

  4. Once the data is joined, analysis and visualisation processes on Tableau can start.

Adding data to the data source

Static data

If there is a need to add new static data (for example, data from 2020), follow these steps:

  1. Download the data from the original source

  2. Add a new tab in the original Google Spreadsheet document

  3. Paste the new data in the same format as all tabs

  4. Download the new full set of data as CSV

Dynamic data

If there is a need to add new data that isn't formatted like the data from other years, follow these steps: (to be added once there is dynamic data added to the mobilisation report)

Analysis design

To be able to make a relevant analysis of this engagement data, it's important to make an outline of the most relevant questions:

  1. Who is the target audience for this analysis? NRO's, GED, other departments?

  2. What is the time range or type of analysis? Will it be a trend overview year per year? Will it be a yearly review? Will it be growth analysis, comparing the results of this year with the previous year?

  3. In what stage of data literacy is your target audience? Will they be able to read the tables and graphs? Do they need textual explanations? What is the complexity of visualisation needed?

Answering those questions will help to define the analysis needs and to understand the most relevant information to be displayed.

Analysis & Visualisation

After importing and joining the data sources, work with Tableau Desktop, using your own analysis design. Create individual worksheets for various graphs and bars, and then use them to create various tabs in the main dashboard. There are many ways to structure the tabs of the dashboard (topics, questions asked, channel performance, etc.), but it is important that the structure reflects the needs of the target audience.

Publishing the report

To make the report publicly available, use the description given in the next page of this description "Publishing reports on CIVIS".

Last updated