
Get a full Planet 4 development environment to your local machine

We are using wp-env as a base and pulling all necessary themes and plugins so that you can develop for your website more easily.

System Requirements

Platform specific steps

Install basic system dependencies:

sudo apt install -y git make unzip apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common

Install docker and docker-compose. We prefer to install it from upstream, to have the latest version:

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository -y "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Add your user to the docker group to avoid using sudo on every command:

sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}

Refresh your group membership by running:

su - ${USER}

To verify that everything works you can just run the hello-world docker container:

docker run hello-world

Before anything

  • Clone the develop repo:

git clone
  • Set node version:

# nvm will automatically select the right version based on the `.nvmrc` file
nvm use
  • Install npm packages:

npm install
  • Check the requirements:

npm run env:requirements


Install default developer environment with:

npm run env:install

For NRO developers, use instead:

# NRO name is the name used for your deployment repo (repo -> name to use):
# planet4-international -> international
# planet4-australiapacific -> australiapacific
npm run nro:install <nro name>

Clean up

npm run env:clean

All commands

npm run
- env:usage                         Get information about all commands
- env:requirements                  Check requirements
- env:install                       Install default Planet 4 theme and database
- env:start                         Start the environment
- env:stop                          Stop the environment
- env:clean                         Clean wp-env and delete all Planet 4 files
- env:destroy                       Delete all wp-env and Planet 4 files and containers
- env:config                        Show generated configuration
- env:fix-permissions [all]         Fix files permissions to current user as owner
- env:clean-repos                   Remove main repos if they are not git repositories
- env:update                        Update installer, base and main repos
- env:status                        Status of docker containers
- env:e2e-install                   Install E2E tests dependencies
- env:e2e                           Run E2E tests on local instance
- nro:install <?nro>                Install NRO theme and database
- nro:enable                        Enable installed NRO theme and database
- nro:disable                       Switch back to default theme and database
- nro:theme <?nro>                  Clone NRO theme in themes dir
- build:assets                      Build main repos assets
- build:repos                       Clone and install main repos
- db:import <dump path> <db name>   Import database dump (gzip)
- db:use <db name>                  Switch to database
- shell:php                         Access PHP shell (WordPress container)
- shell:mysql                       Access MySQL console (current database)
- elastic:activate                  Activate ElasticSearch container and plugin
- elastic:deactivate                Deactivate ElasticSearch container and plugin
- xdebug:install                    Install Xdebug in WordPress container
- xdebug:configure                  Rewrite Xdebug configuration and reload server
- xdebug:flamegraph <trace>         Generate a flamegraph from a Xdebug trace file


  • Themes are installed under planet4/themes

    • the theme is usually cloned by the installer and should be modifiable right away

    • you can add or create any theme in this folder, it will be available in your local instance

  • Plugins are installed under planet4/plugins

    • you can add or create any plugin in this folder, it will be available in your local instance


Last updated