[ADR-0011] PHP Coding Standards

Implement modern and consistent PHP coding standards

  • Status: accepted

  • Deciders: Development Team

Technical Story: Planet 4 repositories currently follow Wordpress Coding Standards, using PHPCS rules to enforce those. Wordpress choices are guided by a necessity for backward compatibility with older PHP versions, and friendly failure on older systems.

We are not bound by those necessities, and could choose to follow different coding standards if we see a benefit in it.

Context and Problem Statement

This ADR is a proposition to override some of the Wordpress coding standards to allow for a more modern, concise, secure and readable code, using current PHP structures and syntaxic evolutions.

PHP-FIG edited two PSR (PSR-1, PSR-12) that we could also use to update our rules.

Our coding standards could be allowed to diverge from Wordpress, because:

  • we are not bound by backward-compatibility to an older PHP version, we need to follow supported versions for security reasons. Even Wordpress recommends running on a recent PHP version.

  • we don’t have to edit Wordpress core itself, which would require us to follow those standards for coherence

  • as stated in this blog post: “you can (and should) choose practices that best suits your development style for your own plugins and themes

Please feel free to add any decision driver and option you would like to revise or discuss.

All the validated options should be enforced through phpcs rules, automatically fixable through phpcbf, and controlled by a static analyzer, so that it does not become a limitation to participate. If not possible, they should appear in contributing guidelines.

Decision Drivers

  • Wordpress stays compatible with PHP 5.6; since this version, many features have been introduced that would make our code more readable and resilient to bugs consequences of type mismanagement, in particular:

    • Until PHP 7.2: type declaration for function parameters and return values, constants visibility, nullable types

    • PHP 7.4: typed properties

    • PHP 8.0: union types, attributes, constructor property promotion, static/mixed return types

  • Some of the forbidden constructs make the code more cumbersome

    • Short ternary operator, spread operator, etc.

    • Both functions in this gist are equivalent, but the current guidelines forced me to write the longer one

Considered Options

Some divergences from Wordpress standards:

  • Declaring arrays

    • Using short syntax `[]` is preferred

  • Space usage

    • Putting spaces on the inner side of opening/closing parentheses is not needed

    • Putting spaces around array indexes is not needed

  • Self-Explanatory Flag Values for Function Arguments

    • Using a string to trigger a specific behavior is prone to error (typos, etc.); if you want to use a string as flag value, declare a constant in a class and use this constant wherever necessary

  • Ternary operator

    • Ternary operator should be used anywhere useful

Borrowing from PSR-1:

We will have a problem with

  • 4.3 Methods: advocating for method name in camelCase, our codebase is only snake_case, and using wordpress globals forces us to at least use snake_case in those situations

Borrowing from PSR-12:

We will have a problem with

Other rules to consider and write in guidelines:

  • Return early - Sonar takes care of it

  • Avoid using `else` unless necessary, it’s often a sign of a piece of logic that should be extracted - Sonar takes care of it

  • Check Sonar code smells, it is very useful to see complexity and simplify code

  • Align assignments only if it makes sense, a long list of assignments is often a sign of code that should be split up

  • Writing a function more than 80 lines long should lead to thinking about splitting it.

  • An ideal case is 1 function = 1 responsibility = an obvious name describing this responsibility.

Enforcement of types:

  • Declare types at all times possible

  • Return only one type per function (nullable if needed), when possible

  • Make files type strict `declare(strict_types=1);`

Decision Outcome

Decision matrix is available for comments and votes at Planet4 PHP Coding Standards decisions

Chosen option: PHPCS configuration implemented

Pros and Cons of the Options

Most of the PSR-12 recommendations make sense, and could be applied right away.

Exceptions are indentation (spaces/tabs) and case for properties and variables (camelCase/snake_case).

Feel free to add talking topics and points about things you want to discuss.

Indentation - Tabs

  • Good, because it is consistent with WordPress codebase

  • Bad, if you prefer spaces

Indentation - Spaces

  • Good, because it is consistent with PSR-12 recommendations

  • Bad, if you prefer tabs

Case - camelCase

  • Good, because it is consistent with PSR-12 recommendations

  • Good, because it makes clear what comes from WordPress and what comes from our code

  • Bad, because it is inconsistent with WordPress codebase, so we can’t exactly copy/paste source code

Strict typing

  • Good, because it makes your code predictable, and readable by static analyzers, limiting bugs

  • Good, because it effectively replaces type documentation in comments

  • Bad, because it is more work to figure out all your inputs and outputs types, especially in a WordPress context

Abandoning alignment on equal signs and arrows

  • Good, because it reduces line length and large empty spacing

  • Bad, because it looks less like a data table

Abandoning yoda conditions

  • Good, because it impairs readability/understanding

  • Bad, because it can still stop some errors


Last updated